Late ovulation/No Ovulation?!

This is my current chart and I'm surprised I haven't ovulated yet. I know I have a few open circles. I woke up an hour early or late on those days. I went on vacation for two days over Memorial Day. Also I ran out of OPKs and quite honestly got frustrated so I decided to not get anymore for this cycle. Also, I'm getting over a stomach bug which started on Friday. Maybe that has something to do with it. I'm going to see my OBGYN on 6/16 to discuss clomid since I'm ovulating late and have had two chemicals in the last 6 months. Any advice/thoughts is appreciated! Thank you!
This was my previous cycle. I was in Texas for a few days and had a chemical the cycle before so I didn't use OPKs. I clearly ovulated while in Texas. 
This was my chemical...