How do you keep from getting sad?

On month 5 of trying and no bfp. I know compared to other people that's not long at all so I was wondering how you cope with it? My brother is the only one who knows we're even trying. People ask when all the time and I usually just blow it off but sometimes it really gets to me. My hubby is as supportive as he can be but I know he doesn't really understand all the pain. He holds me when I cry but he says he doesn't know what to say to make me feel better even though he tries. I don't have anyone to talk to because all of my close friends didn't have any problems and I don't want them to feel bad for me. One of them even made an off handed comment about how her cousin has been trying for awhile and was upset when my friend got her bfp and made it sound like the girl didn't have a reason to be upset. And I can tell my mom wants grandkids so bad so I don't want her to be getting her hopes up every month. I don't want other people to feel the way I do every month when af comes but I'm starting to feel so alone and I can feel myself getting bitter. Does anyone have any suggestions on how to cope with this?