Nose frieda

So I was little weirded out that you suck on it BUT after realizing nothing goes in your mouth and it has a filter that I'd try it. My sister bought it and filters for me since I didn't have a shower. My daughter is now 4 weeks and congested from allergies and I finally used it. This thing is amazing, so much better the bulb, gets out so much more so much quicker. She cries when I first put it to her nose but smiles and looks happy as soon as she can breathe. It's also see through so you can tell the color of the mucus to tell if they have a sinus infection. With a bulb I would never get as much snot out as this thing does. For everyone grossed out by it, don't knock it until you try it, it's the best thing ever. This kid has adult size snot stuck in there lol kind of wish they made a bigger one so I could make my 7 year old suck his snot out when he's sick lol he'd probably be gross and take the filter out and use it as a booger straw though lol