Was surprised with a shower!

June 5th 2016
My mom and sister inlaws went all out and surprised me with the cutest baby shower was sooo shocked and in tears 😭💙 wasn't planning on having one me and my husband are full time students and spent the money we saved for the shower on plane tickets to visit our families in the Middle East (best decision ever btw loving every minute of it) anyways my mom threw for me one since little boy is my first baby and he's her first grandbaby and sister inlaws budged in and helped her!
They told me they're having a family gathering/potluck party celebrating one of my 4 sister inlaws birthday before the holy month of Ramadan, I made pasta and went all dresse up, lol thank god I was in the mood for looking nice today 😂🙈 had so much fun playing the games and just being around people I haven't seen over a year whom I love. I don't think I ever laughed and cried this much in one day, super blessed and greatful for my family and friends for spending their money, time, and effort to make me happy I really appreciate everything they did💘
One of the favors table
Baby picture of hubby and I, we've known eachother this long lol😁 
I thought the bottles were cute since hubby and I are big sport fans 😄⚾️⚽️🏉
Didn't take pictures of the buffet but the food was amazing! Ate so much felt like an elephant, at the end of the party I started wobbling and my 11 year old sister started filming me while walking to the deserts table wobbling and she sang elephant elephant, she's big and friendly, wrinkled and grey and with her big feet, better get out of the way I thought it was so funny I laughed so hard almost peed myself 😂🐘
Great day with Great memories forever greatful 💙