Food aversions -___-

Their_Mommy 💟 • Blog meant to help the suffering 💛
So I just wanted to share, seeing as a lot of you mommas may be going through the same thing, and if you're not... You are lucky lol. I can't handle the smells of ANYTHING it seems. I feel like I live off of pretzels and chicken noodle soup lol. So last night I was seriously craving a slice of pizza, my Hunnie got it, I opened the box and boom... No longer wanted it. I know he would've understood if I closed the box and put it away, but he had just driven two hours to get home to me and still managed to stop for my pizza, making his arrival home even later. I choked down a few bites then told him I was tired! I am soooo ready to loss these symptoms, but at the same time I am afraid too, it's the only thing that assures me that baby is still there and fine! 
We got this mommas, we do it for our little blessings (: