Feeling Angry


I am a 19 year old first time mom and this pregnancy has been nothing but stressful for me. The pregnancy itself has been super easy, no morning sickness, not really any back pain, no headaches or anything like that, but the atmosphere around me and the people in it are what is so stressful.

My family has hated my boyfriend the entire time we have been dating so when I moved in with him a few months ago they were extremely upset and went as far as to shun me for a while. We are fine now but they never stop telling me how much of a mistake this baby was and how the father is so horrible and its a shame I'm pregnant and my life is over. His family has gotten better about liking me but initially hated the idea that I was the mother of their son's/brother's baby. Everyone is so hard on me and it would be nice for once for someone to actually be excited for me and tell me congratulations and mean it.

My boyfriend does not help the stress at all. We fight over the smallest things and sometimes the fights get out if control. On days when he is mad I feel like I am walking on glass around him because one wrong action or word and he starts telling me how worthless I am and how this is all my fault and calls me every name in the book and says he is going to leave and take my baby from me because I'm not fit to be a mother. Because of all this, I can't help but sometimes feel angry at the baby and think that if this baby weren't part of the picture none of this would have happened and then I feel terrible for thinking that. Is it wrong of me to feel angry and frustrated when situations like this occur? Is it abnormal? Should I speak with someone about it?

I'm just so confused and upset and stressed out. This pregnancy is something I should be gloating about and happy about, but instead feel ashamed and upset about because that's the way the people around me, who are supposed to be my strongest support system, make me feel.