Fermara mid cycle bleeding


So my OBGYN got me started on Femara after 9 months of trying, one miscarriage, and blood testing that shows I haven't ovulated recently. I have PCOS so the thought is I am not ovulating every month.

However, after taking Fermara as prescribed (CD6-10) now that I've reached the time of ovulation, all I'm getting is bleeding. Light spotting for a few days, but now a regular period flow. Doc said it is possible to get bleeding during ovulation, but I've never had this happen before and I'm pretty sure it's the Femara.

Any thoughts on what might be happening? Anyone had this happen to them? I think I read that Fermara supresses estrogen briefly to kickstart ovulation, while Clomid does the opposite. Low estrogen can cause mid-cycle bleeding. Would Clomid be a better option for me then, chemically?