Doctors Visit

So as I have posted here before, I've been having symptoms for the past week. But for the past four days I've been having cramps,  lower back pain that almost wraps around my hips. My tests keep coming back negative so I went to the doctor since AF was supposed to be here on Saturday, she still doesn't think I'm pregnant. And it was kind of upsetting because she kept looking at me like I was crazy, but I can tell somethings off with me. She draw some blood, and then she performed a cervical exam. She tried to feel my uterus and my ovaries, she said she couldn't feel one of them but that she still doesn't send think that I'm pregnant and told me that it's normal for someone to have cramps for so long and no signs of your period. I do not know what to do anymore and it's getting super frustrated. Tomorrow I'm scheduled for an ultrasoundand I'm also hoping to get the results of my blood work. I guess I just needed to vent and talk to someone who kind of understands what I'm going through because my husband even though he's being super supportive and loving does not understand how I feel.