Ladies need advice! 🙃

Hey ladies, I recently started talking to this guy again after he reached out to me after almost not talking to each other but we would see each other in class. Anyway well we have been flirting, texting each other and he added me on social media, I did the same in snapchat. He has liked some of my statuses since then! Where I'm trying to get at is before school ended I asked him if he wanted to get together he said yes he would like that. The day we were suppose to he got caught up with working double shifts so we post poned it. He said he was gong to let me know today and he saw my snapchat story I posted about my brothers puppy and my nephew. So I guess he isn't avoiding me. I really like this guy a lot. We have so much in common, we also share same ambitions and goals in life. We support and tease each other also. Lol. But he said he would be off today but no text so far, and he was also going to be off Wednesday. Should I remind him of our get together he had said prior to this it was a date?? Also my bday is the 27 of this month or should I wait till then or should I remind him?? I'm so co fused because I'm sure he likes me too. We both get nervous around each other but we manage to control it around each other but I can tell her gets nervous and I blush around him a lot. 🙈