Fat Sex?!

Okay look I am not writing this post to make anyone feel bad about who they are or what they look like but I really need some advice...
I am a heavier girl. I'm about 5'2" and roughly 200lbs. I've got a roll or two here and there but I am definetely not the biggest fish in the sea 😂. I am really interested in this guy, we'll call him Bob, and Bob is really nice. He's the perfect gentleman, he's ambitious, family oriented blah blah blah the only thing is .. He's fat. Like not 500lbs Dr.Phil save my life kinda big (LOL) but he's a bit on the heavy side. He's bigger than me in height and weight (he's about 5'10" and ehh 320lbs) and I like him and I WANT to have sex with him I just don't know how that's gonna work 😂😂. We're both bigger people and I've only ever slept with a skinny person and it was easy we just kinda went together but this is a whole new thing for me. Like would missionary be possible? Would his stomach get in the way if we did doggy style? Idk I'm just very apprehensive because I don't want to go into this and it end up being bad sex. I need some advice!!