Followup scan to SCH


Amazing news the bleed has healed there is a remnant spot from where it was but it's so tiny less than a centimeter & far from the baby above the obvious sack in the scan.

She finally gave me a scan image because the baby is finally big enough to show yay coming in a 6 weeks and 6 days on 06/06/2016 (I'm hoping a little sign from God it will all be ok. Heart rate at a healthy 147.

Daddy was able to get some time off work so he went with me and cried tears of joy which in turn made the techs day lol.

If I go by heart rate, ramsy, and baking soda theories it's a girl. If baby is a boy I'd be shocked, but I just want a healthy term baby no matter what the gender it doesn't matter, but it's fun to guess.