Shit friends

Has anyone else had a problem like this where you realise that what you would do for your friends they wouldn't do for you? 
Me for example: unfortunately I fell at a party and was told I had severe sprains in both ankles and I could walk because of the pain so I was off college. Not once did I receive a text asking how I was or if I need anything bringing from college ( my friends can drive and have their own car and I live 5 mins away from one of them) then I found out after going back to A&E 3 times that my right ankle was broken in two places ( I've had all of this for a total of over 11weeks) I told my friends and they haven't been in touch and they say they're busy but on their snapchat story they're going to the cinema together and having nights out. 
I confronted them about it and told them I don't think there worth my time and according to them I'm self centred because I only complain about my ankle ( I don't think I did I just told one of them what was going on because I thought she'd want to know). 
I know this was long winded and thank you if you read it all but I just wanted to know if I was right to do so.