Since when are C Sections not optional??

I've done all my research in the pros and cons between being induced, no induction but with an epidural and a c section and I would just prefer to have a c section. Please don't judge me, it's not because I'm afraid of labor pains or anything, it's just what I found to work best for me. In the state of California, C sections are an option for the mother. She's the one having the baby, therefore she gets to choose how she has it, right? But in the state of Idaho I just found out that c sections are not even an option and are only resorted to in cases of emergencies. That just seems so ridiculous to me!! I couldn't believe it and I'm so upset about it. So now I have to try to persuade my doctor into trying to write it off as not my option, but his choice so that my insurance will actually cover it. It's just so much of a hassle. 😑