Baby V's 13 hour Labor/Birth.

As you know, if you read my post yesterday, I woke up to contractions at around 4 something in the morning. My contract were not that painful and were every 3-4-5 minutes apart. I went for a long walk to speed it up. I decided to go get checked to see how far I was dilated. My contractions are still the same 3-4 minutes apart just slightly more painful. So I was checked and I was only 3-4 cm dilated. I was bummed cus Ibadan been walking for over 3, I was monitored for about 2 hours then was placed in my delivery room. By this time I had been laboring for 9 hours. At 2pm they started me on pitocin which my dr did not authorize and was mad about it. I had pitocin for 2 hours prior to my dr finding out. So my dr checked me and I was 5 cm at 4pm.  My dr ordered to stop the pitocin up until the next hour...he checked me again at 5pm and I was 7-8 cm dilated. My contractions were so intense and painful but I refused to get an epidural. I felt the urge to push at 5:30 and my nurse checked me I was 9 cm dilated. It was almost time to push, they prepped everything called my dr in 4 pushes and another episiotomy later my babygirl was born!!
Meet Vania Laylanie weighing in at 6 lbs. 12 oz. measuring 19 in.