Difficult Twin Pregnancy

So I've really had a difficult pregnancy this go round, been having bleeding since I was nine weeks , I'm 26 weeks now, not just spotting but full on bleeding having to wear pads .. At first it would come and go but for the last two mos it hasn't gone away. It's really frustrating and scary bcuz as of yet docs can't figure out why I'm bleeding or where it's coming from but they do know that right now it is not affecting the babies which is a blessing. My husband is scared although he would never show it bcuz he's a really strong manly man lol but he is there for me through it all and has been my rock when I cry or need motivation.. Now as I am in my fifth month away from graduation from nursing school I have to stop per doc recommendation.. I just hope everything is ok and my babies are healthy and I and my family make it through this. Has anyone else gon through this before full on bleeding non stop for weeks or months while pregnant?