He's Here!!💙

Labor Story:
Went to the doctor yesterday and I was 4-5 cm. Went home and got some sleep, because I was scheduled to be induced this morning, anyway.
Got to the hospital around 8:30 and no change in my cervix. Broke my water at 11, and I asked them to hold off on the pitocin. But no change in dilation at 1:30 meant they started it, anyway.
Around 2:30, contractions got really bad. I was crying hysterically and had two people fanning me and hubby helping me not fall out of the bed while I was rolling around screaming.
I was trying not get the epidural, but I eventually caved and just got it. They came in and I was 7 cm. Once it was in, I was fully dilated and it was time to push. 17 minutes of pushing my soul out, and my perfect little boy was born.
Brantley Kaleb
6/7/2016   3:16PM (39 weeks exactly)
8lbs 6.2 oz and 20 inches long.