First Ultrasound - 6 wks & 1 day

Andrea • Been with my husband 11 years. 32 & in my 2nd pregnancy after a miscarriage in February '16. Due date: 01/30/17 ❤️
We just had a MC in late February so this is our rainbow baby 🌈
All the dimensions are a normal size ... They found a heartbeat today, it's 101 bpm.  It's on the low side but my doctor says its not uncommon for 6 wks & 1 day. 
They say you need a heartbeat of 120+ to be a viable pregnancy ... But a baby's heart only starts beating at 5 weeks. If you add an increase of 3 beats per day technically I'm supposed to be at 104 bpm, so not uncommon or bad, just a tad low. 
Im going in for another sonogram next week on 6/17. I'm just so happy and feel so blessed to be at this point and everything is ok. 
Prayers, love and blessings to all you mommys ❤️