What should I do?

So, I'm about to be starting my freshman year of college. First time being away from home. Just a whole new environment. And I'm 19 and took a gap year. 
I've been talking to this guy for a little over a month. I really like him. We've went out a few times. Could possibly see something with him. But he's a bit older. So he's been through college and has a career. And is closer to the settle down. 
A lot of other people are encouraging me to stay single. As I will be meeting so many people, interacting with so many new people, going to parties. And experiencing new things. And part of me wants to be young and date around. Meet new guys. And just explore my options. 
But I'm scared I may regret not pursuing things with him. But then I'm scared I may hold resentment for missing out on the whole experience. 
Any opinions? What has worked best for you? Anything appreciated! 

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