I need a talking buddy ladies..

Cara • We lost Our baby at 13 weeks, we've had countless negative tests and now we are waiting for our miracle Raindbow baby <3
Right, so me and my partner both have gone through so much stress within the past 8months. Starting with our miscarriage, then losing both my uncle n cousin.. then losing his job. Having no money, etc but then things turn around and everything seemed to be going lovely. Until there's always something that tends to go wrong with the happiness. For example, last night was a killer for me.. we are driving on our way to see a friend, when I questioned my hubby if he watches porn (as I saw in his search history), he denies watching it and then the argument got heated cause my stupid ass can't hold my tongue back.. so I'm all giving him verbal shit and now im crying because my hubby tells me he dont think this will work.. so he gets me really worked up. Anyway cut a long story short.. we turn around n drive back home, the whole way home is shouting.. bow bare in mind, our relationship is always loving. We bend over backwards for eachother.. we pull up and get out n he tries to factory reset his phone so we could give to his daughter tomorow on her birthday. But it had been 5hours and the phone had not turnt on from being stuck on the apple logo. I tried to fix it and was up all night whilst he slept as he had work in the a.m. i must of fell asleep on our sofa downstairs, i heard him come marching in this morning and take the phone and delibretley just threw it n stepped onnit n bent it saying "this piece of shit".. last night he had told me things like 'i dont think we will work' 'i love u but cant be with u' 'your not the best thing that happened to me nomre' etc... its still in my thoughts now what he said.. so anyway this morning, he starts packing allchis belongings and clothes, handing back the doorkey, etc.. my heart couldnt take it. Not too long ago we lost our baby and now im losing him too.. the two closest beings to me happened to just be leaving me.. he then took all his things to our car and out them in the boot. I tried to talk him oit of it, but i couldnt stop myself from crying. I sat in the car beside him litrally crying my eyes out.. i didnt want to lose him. He wipes away my tears and told me that he loves me but cant do this.. i couldnt even breath nor could i talk.. the best thing that ever haopened to me was really leaving me regsrdless of the promises he made.. its torn me apart. But he got out the csr and held me and said he had to go work now but we took his things back inside the house and he gave me a kiss saying he be back after work.. help me ladies.. how do i handle a situation like this? And today is the day i go for my blood tests as we have been trying for a baby.. but im not even excited on going anymore.. i know he still wants our child exoecially after losing our first.. but hey ho' this is life ...