
What is everyone's bedtimes looking like for their lo's? My son will be 4 months in 1 week (weighs about 12 lbs- birth weight was 6 lbs 4 oz) and his usual bedtime is anywhere between 9-10:15pm. He sleeps till about 7-8am with one feeding usually around 4 or 5am which is awesome, but my husband and I think 10pm is very late. When do they start to sleep earlier or how can we start getting him used to an earlier bedtime? Any tips are welcomed! His usual routine is as followed: is breastfed about 5/6 times a day (about 10 mins each side) with formula supplement afterwards (3 oz- as directed by pediatrician cause he's not gaining weight fast enough). Usually every 3 hours. His last feeding is usually around 8pm (and we give him 5oz of formula).