First Father's Day gift ideas!

Hi! Long story... We just had our beautiful baby boys on May 31st.  I had to spend a week in the hospital after they came bc of severe preeclampsia, which is still causing some major issues, including the fact that I wasn't able to meet my babies until 30 hours after them being born. We had several scares during the middle of the night w my high bp where I needed lots of doctors and several iv injections, needless to say I've been depressed and scared for myself, guilty that I couldn't keep my baby boys in for longer and bring them home when I got discharged and sorry that I've had to put my husband through all this. He's been a rock, advocating for me and the babies, researching, asking the right questions, calming me down, cuddling our boys, keeping all our family up to date, cooking, making sure my meds are in my hand at the exact right moment. He holds it together for me so well, but I know he's been scared.  Weve been together 15 years, but I've never been more in love with him than right now. I want to do something great for his first Father's Day.  Anyone have any amazing ideas?
Ps.  If I learned anything through this experience, is that all those petty things we used to fight about, all that dumb crap I would nitpick, it's not worth it. We have this one life, and I want to appreciate every moment of it.