God, I need to vent, cause I'm livid

A couple months back a family friend pushed her husband off on my, literally. She told me he doesn't have friends and told me she was okay with me being his friend. I've been friends with him for 7 years but we only talked when he was around. His wife went far enough to tell me that she has been talking to another guy, she's not been wearing her bands, started calling me his second wife, etc. We all seriously joked around about this. I didn't think anything of it because, we were literally just friends. About a month ago she did this huge flip. She didn't want me talking to him, I understood that, so I tried to cut him out of my life. He would not leave me alone. But I am being accused of pursuing this man. I am being accused of messing up an already failing marriage. I am getting all of the blame. But what these people don't realize is that this guy, who is perfect in the eyes of his family, has asked me for nude pictures. Or that I quickly shut him down. They don't realize that he has sent me pictures I didn't ask for or even want. They don't realize that I have tried to get him to leave me alone, and that he won't. They dont realize that I, even today, told him to quit texting me, and as I am typing this now, he's still texting me. They don't realize that I told him to pursue his wife. No, I'm the whore. I'm the homewrecker. I'm getting the blame for everything. And yes, I realize that even though I asked his wife many many many times of she was okay with us being friends, that I never should have put myself in that position.