Omg made it to 41wks 5 days!!! Ugh

Hey ladies! Just wanted to update u all on my labor and experience. Sooo I had my lil girl at 41wks 5days the doc decided it was a good idea to induce we thought since I had my first at 41wks exactly that the second would come on her own at one point. Nope I guess she had different plans. Soo I went to hospital to be induced at 5pm on June 3 to have cervadil started which was done at 7pm and I was 2cm and 50% effaced so we were hoping the cervadil was gonna be enough to start the process and we could do with out the pitocin which I was terrified to get anyway. So contractions started with cervadil throughout the night but were bareable. Waking in the AM waiting for dr to check if there was any progress which I only progressed to 4-5cm 100% effaced and dr suggested we break my water now so we went with it and baby girl had had a bowel movement inside me now so this was scary but dr said its fine but we need to make sure she doesn't cry when she is born until we are all ready and she is suctioned. We went about 6-7hrs laboring leaking fluids for the rest of the time. After the 6hrs was checked again and was 7cm at this point. Dr wanted to give a small amount of pitocin now and I agreed with a small amount.... Well that turned into more than i expected. I did everything with no meds until that darn pitocin.... Omg!!! The contractions became so unbareable due to them increasing the pitocin which I didn't want them to do but some way I kept getting talked into increasing it.... Ugh well I decided I am not super woman I need pain meds now I couldn't take it anymore. I got a intrathecal (best decision I could have made) and I was able to rest for 2hrs while they increased the pitocin more to get me to dilate faster. And bam!!!!! It worked I was 10cm and pushed her out in 40 mins....
Madelyn Angeline was born 7lbs 14oz and 21 inches long. She's such a good baby and we are doing great. Thanks for all the support ladies. Really enjoyed this app and all the help and encouragement I got from everyone. Thank you! Enjoy your little ones they are gods blessings 🙏🏼🎀❤️🚼👶🏼