ER Visit 😕

Samantha • Second pregnancy, hopeing for sucessful VBAC ✌ January 18, 2017

So I've been super exhausted, i mean like getting out of bed takes all my energy then I'm fully deplete. Then, i started getting so dizzy i was nearly passing out every few minutes.

Long story short. 3 hours and an IV later, turns out i have an infection in my pelvis and is traveling to my kidneys! Yuck. I'm just so thankful my little baby is safe and we caught the infection in time to keep it from spreading 😥

Also have to thank my sweet hubby. He drove me over an hour to get to ER, held my hand when they put the IV in and wrangled a toddler got 3 hours all without complaining😙💙 what would i do without him!?

Thanks for listening