My strings!

I'm supposed to be off my period. It's day 8 and I'm currently spotting. I went to check my strings and they are literally right there. Did my cervix move? Is this normal????? I'm freaking out. I put my finger in and not even all the way I have the hardness like the tip of my nose which is how the cervix feels and the strings on the side.
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Posted at
The Cervix moves up and down a bit throughout our cycle. When your on or near your period, it moves down more. It is trippy though! 


London • Jun 14, 2016
Wow thanks for the information I never knew that 😊


Posted at
Sounds like your cervix is siting low, which is a normal position, and is probably sitting there as you bleeding.Check it again in a few days. Try to memorise how long the strings feel now, so in future you can tell if they feel longer or shorter.If your bleeding is very heavy (soaking highest abosorbency pad/tampon in under 2 hours) and lasts longer than 10 days, definitely see your doctor.


Mash🌸 • Jun 10, 2016
Honestly, no. The bleeding usually is heavier, and most women experience a lot of pain. I think you're fine.


Tatyanna • Jun 9, 2016
does this sound like my iud is expelling?


Mash🌸 • Jun 9, 2016
Sounds like very normal bleeding. Sounds like everything is going well, but keep an eye on your strings for now. IUDs are more likely to perforate or expel during the first month after insertion. Usually after that first month you should be fine.


Posted at
Is my iud coming out😞. This is scaring me and now I think I'm making myself paranoid thinking I feel slight pain down there when it's probably nothing.