Guilt of a sahm opinion turned rant

Justine • 1st pregnancy! 20 weeks.
I'm a FTM thinking of becoming a SAHM. But I'm worried some would see me as lazy? I'm 19 and I've been working legal jobs since 17, and had daily chores and obligations like most kids growing up. Right now I work at a coffee shop. My hours can be anywhere between 4-11 hours on my feet with lots of cleaning chemicals and SOOOOO many smells from coffee it's draining! Which is very weird for me. I've had way more strenuous jobs than this but I'm so drained!! My boyfriend just got a new job working 8-9 hours 5 days a week on his feet so I feel bad asking him to do anything (he still tries LOL) what do I need to do? I'm about 90% sure I'll be a SAHM once the baby is here anyway