Moving in

So I've been with my boyfriend for a year and a couple of months now and just yesterday we were eating and I asked him what he thought about us moving in together , like in our own place. For the past few months I've been staying at his place constantly. So at first he was like yeah okay but he hesitated a little which wasn't too convincing.. Then he started listing all these reasons on why not.. that it would be like living like a married couple and asking me if I was ready for such responsibility because I'm so young and he kind of just went on and basically said no but tried making it seem like I was the one who didn't want it. Now I am 18 and he just turned 29 I have never lived with a so but that doesn't mean I can't right? If you plan on being in a long term relationship with someone why not take it to the next level right? Am I wrong? Am I going about it all wrong? What do you ladies think? Should I even worry about something like this?