I miss being Superman

So I'm not a fitness obsessed maniac. I tend to avoid gyms and cardio because they advocate running (on purpose) and I've decided that's against my religion however, I miss a lot of pre-pregnancy things that I used to do like punching a bag (which involves hanging it up, so lifting about 100 pounds and carrying it about 30 yards) and being able to carry things/people. Mostly though I miss caffiene.

I guess this is what I get for being pregnant at 20, but I miss the look on people's faces when I give my 250 pound boyfriend a piggyback ride or help out with things that aren't traditionally "women's work". I'm sure I'll get over it but at the moment it really sucks to be pregnant. Instead of being Superman I have to remind people that I'm not elderly or disabled, just pregnant and carrying something that weighs 50 pounds won't kill me. Anyone else feeling down?