Not sure if I should be worried!

On Monday I had my anatomy scan and according to the tech during the scan, everything look good and was where it should be. She informed me by baby was at a good weight and by end of the week would probably be weighing in at a pound. When I went to leave they informed me that they wanted me back in three weeks for another scan, they said the tech wasn't able to see the spine like she wanted to, probably due to the way my baby was laying. During the scan the tech didn't mention anything about it and we even saw the spine. They informed me not to be worried. Since I have high blood pressure I go every two weeks for a checkup, today at the checkup the doctor said my blood pressure looked good and said the baby's heart beat sounded good. He also wants me back in four weeks for a growth scan to see if the baby is growing properly. He told me not to be worried. I am a little scared since during my the appointments I'm always being told everything looks and sounds good. I was just curious if any other momma's have been through this type of ordeal. I was also curious as to if anyone has had a growth scan done and why exactly it is.