Need a friend.

Kimbre👽 • MGM💘PML💘OBM💘REM💘

So I really don't have many friends. Most are fake and back stab you and I give way too much and do way too much and they know it and use it against me usually.

Anyway I'm 19 weeks pregnant everything was going great I got a good paying job finally after serving and bartending most of my life. My hubby also had a great job (really tough and hard work) but he made good money so we paid rent and bills usually ok and on time. I finally felt like things are good and I can definitely provide for my daughter who's 7 and the new baby. We are so excited. So, my hubby got laid off. He's been trying to find a job but nothing yet. All bills and rent fall on me and I'm tired. I work 40 hours a week or more. I work ten hour days. I'm up at 5 am at work until 4. My daughter just started cheering and that's expensive and practice is 3 days a week. I do have my mother to help with that and my hubby does too. But we ended up getting in a yelling fight last night, which we never do. Very very rarely! My daughter was at a friends sleepover. Anyway he said some hurtful things. And I've been crying all night, he did Apologize and stuff but I'm so sad today I can't really focus. I'm so stressed out. I just don't know what to do. Any advice would be great. Also my hubby gets in a funk when he has no job. He says he feels like a loser, he gets really bored and agitated when he doesn't have one. How can I help the situation