Tracking feedings and diapers

For how long did you track every feeding and diaper (or for how long do you plan to) for your LO? I feel a little ocd tracking every single thing. My LO is 6 weeks old and seems to be gaining fine and has a wet or dirty diaper at every feeding. Wondering if I can stop now. However it's not so hard to track since there's an app for that! ๐Ÿค“
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My LO is 8w, and I still track. Mainly feedings and sleep tho. I forget when she last ate sometimes and wonder why I can't console her, then look on the app and I'm like -oh it has been longer than I thought since you ate! It feels like I'm always feeding her, but not according to my app ๐Ÿ˜‚ I'm so tired all the time, the time passes quickly or in a fog more like it!


Busy โ€ข Jun 16, 2016
I've never kept track of sleep, but this app has been a life saver for tracking feed times.


Posted at
I only track diapers when something different is happening, like a new formula or if he has been having diarrhea and we are working through it. I track feedings still, mostly because my baby is working his way towards sleeping through the night and I'm tracking the longer stretches in combination with how much he intakes. I also like to see if he's being fussy "just because" or if he is truly hungry, and sometimes I can't remember if it's been one hour or three or four. The app helps me figure out if I should try a pacifier first, so I don't end up with a baby that only eats 1 oz because he just had 4 oz of formula not too long ago. 


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I never tracked diapers and tracked feedings for 4 weeks


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My daughter is 8 weeks and hubby and I track her feedings a diaper changes. 


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My LO is almost 2 months & I still track everything, it helps me when I have my days where I'm really forgetful. It also puts my mind at ease when I leave him with daddy for a few hours Bc daddy's app is linked to our sons page so I can always see when he's been fed, changed & how long he has slept ! I could stop but I'm just so used it lol 


Posted at
6.5 weeks here, and I'm still tracking, mostly because it keeps this poor memory impaired momma on schedule and not worrying


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12 weeks old and still tracking both...because let's face it my brain is still sidetracked often and it is one less thing I have to worry about. I can just look if I think she has done too long without eating or how many diapers she has had in a day. 


Posted at
I stopped tracking diapers at about 4 weeks. I still track feedings so I know how long I've nursed, which side we used last, and how long it's been since she ate, since I can never remember. We're at 6 1/2 weeks old right now. I'll probably keep tracking feedings for the foreseeable future. 


Posted at
I track feedings. I could never remember the last time I fed him because its so sporadic most days and also I forget which side I fed him on last ๐Ÿ˜ I don't keep track of sleep or wet diapers but I do for dirty diapers as sometimes he will go almost a week without pooping so I just want to make sure he doesn't go over that.


Posted at
I just record last feeding time using this app because I forget what time he last ate.