Negative tests, when to stop panicking?

When can you stop panicking about being pregnant? Like when if you keep getting negative but you still are freaking out? What should you do? When's a good time to test to know 100% you aren't pregnant?
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Posted at
Stop panicking right now... You're going to be fine. Have some camomile tea, a nice run or workout and some ice cream and calm down. 


Posted at
This was me for 4 straight months. You feel pregnant & gross & sick, but the tests tell you otherwise.I could continue being a mess and sucking the life out of myself SO I TOOK A BLOOD TEST A MONTH LATER & BAM!!! Not pregnant :) I did freak out a little after that too I won't lie, but yeah it made me 100% better! Blood test was about $10 


Courtney • Jun 11, 2016
Where did you go to get the blood test done? I was thinking of doing that so I can finally know and stop freaking out, but I don't want it to be expensive or have to use my insurance card because I don't want my parents finding out😁


Posted at
Yep I know this feeling, AF a week late and still getting negatives but still no sign of AF arriving anytime soon, confusing right?!


Courtney • Jun 11, 2016
Yes it's driving me insane 😖