Positive Repeat C-Section Stories


I'd love to hear your POSITIVE repeat c-section stories. I'm having my second one (1st was emergency) in a couple weeks and I'm starting to get nervous. I'm hoping for a smooth experience and recovery but not sure what to expect since my 1st one happened after two days of exhausting labor and was pretty rough. Any positive experiences would be a great mental boost for me to hear! Thanks. 💗
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Just had our baby girl via repeat/planned c section (my first was an emergency). I was a little nervous, but it went SO smoothly. Everything was so calm and under control this time- nurses were sweet and kept my mind on other things. It's comforting to realize how routine the surgery is for the team- at least that was comforting to me! Recovery had its painful moments, but overall it has been much easier than with my first. They flushed my uterus out so well that I've had only light bleeding since being home- actually no bleeding since 1 week post! Baby did absolutely perfectly and has the trademark beautiful c section head 😊. Good luck with your birth- I'm sure it will go smoothly! 


💙👶🏼💙👶🏼 • Jun 12, 2016
Thanks! This makes me feel better about it!


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This will be my 3rd c-section my first my son was emergency and my second was a repeat...my first was just a bad experience after 16 hours of labor so I was super nervous for my second but it went great and smooth had a spinal tap everything was numb my daughter was out super fast and then after we did skin to skin and breastfeeding so now I am getting my 3rd Tuesday morning at 7:30am and I know it will go good I am excited to meet my little girl and I am getting my tubes taken out at the same time 3 babies is good for me I hope this makes you a little less nervous because I was super scared for my second and it was so easy 😊


💙👶🏼💙👶🏼 • Jun 12, 2016


💙👶🏼💙👶🏼 • Jun 12, 2016
Thanks for your sorry!


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I might be having my second on Wednesday because my girl is not budging. I am due on Monday and was really hoping for a VBAC. But after listening to all he positive repeat csection stories I feel it's easier. Thank you moms..


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Following! I'm having my second on Monday!


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Second one was so much easier and stress free! Recovery was much quicker too. I'm going for my third c-section on the 20th and I'm looking forward to it.


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Same here!!