Pregnant after still birth but now 6 weeks and threatening miscarriage - anyone experience this?

Jamie • 💜 Mumma to an angel, Chloe Elizabeth, born sleeping April 20 2015. wishing for a miracle this time 🍀
This is my 2nd pregnancy. My first ended in loss at 23 weeks in April 2015 due to my daughter having trisomy 18 (Edwards syndrome). My husband and I have been trying to concieve again for over a year with no luck until now. I found out last Saturday I was pregnant and I was happy but apprehensive. I thought this would be it - our bad luck would be over and we'd finally get our rainbow baby, but a part of me feared it would never happen. 
Today I am 6 weeks and 1 day. I went to pee and when I wiped there was blood. I started to panic. At first, it seemed there was only brown blood when I wiped but now the blood has turned red and is more thick and is starting to feel more like a period. I have cramps that are not that terrible pain wise, but are more consistent and constant. 
I went to a weekend NHS clinic 40 minutes from my house because it was the only place that was open. The doctor said it was a threatening miscarriage.... But couldn't book me urgently to have a scan because at this point there's nothing to be done. I am beside myself with fear and anxiety - I can't believe this is happening right now. I'm 27 and healthy! I have a scan booked for Tuesday morning but I'm absolutely terrified to go because if I am miscarrying I don't want to go through the pain of seeing an empty screen and knowing it's officially over. 
I guess my question is - has anyone experienced something similar and actually managed to not miscarry and have a healthy baby at the end? 
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It is a possibility that it can just be nothing. I'm sorry to say that these were my symptoms for miscarriage but I was reassured through it that people had experienced similar and the pregnancy had continued. X


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I didn't get the happy ending but all I can say is try to relax as much as possible sending baby dust