3 year old son hit my newborns head on accident. Is she ok?

I layed my 4 day old baby on my bed so i could change her diaper, my 3 year old son was asleep and i guess moved and kicked her head. She started crying but as soon as i picked her up she seemed ok. Not sure how hard he kicked her but i believe he did hit her head. Should i take her to er? Shes awake and has the hiccups and is laying on my chest now.
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I'd assume baby is ok.. my bestfriend just had a baby 4 months ago and she dropped baby on the hospital floor at 2 days old. Doc said since their heads are fairly soft usually they'll be ok. They did an xray or a scan I can't remember and he was ok.


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I'd say watch it for a hour see if anything changes , and rub it . If your really concerned then follow your first mind and take her to get checked to make sure she's ok