Help with symptoms

Hi ladies, just wanting some opinions. 
 Came off the pill in November and ttc since. My cycle has changed every month which is frustrating I've gone 33,36,49,46... May was different around 10 days after I think I o'd I had some spotting, also the next day then 2 days of very light bleeding and then back to spotting. Was extremely light if it was af. I did hpt but neg. now 2 weeks later I don't feel myself. I'm exhausted, to the point I'm forcing myself out of bed in the morning with my eyes still shut and actually fell back asleep on the toilet 😂 my legs ache so bad I can't get comfy, I keep getting heart burn, I keep daydreaming in a world of my own and losing concentration at work. Toilet more frequently, twinges and stabbing pains in stomach. Also couple of unusual things such as no sex drive and forgetfulness. 
Has anyone else experienced this and got a positive result. Just wanting some opinions before I test again as don't want to be disappointed by a neg result again 😔
Thank you 😀