6 week olds poop

Hi ladies.
I have a 6 week old DD who is FF. She never seems satisfied after a feed, even though she breaks wind easily she always seems like she has more, regardless of the amount she takes. Her poop is a yellow type colour and is very watery to the point that it leaks out of her diaper and up her back, soaking her clothes and blankets. She only poops once every day or so and has been this way since about 1 week old. From what Iv read, the consistency is more like that of a EBF infant and not a FF infant. And the frequency has rarely changed. I was wondering if this is caused by the formula I have her on? Or is it normal? She has her 6 week check up on Tuesday. I plan on asking her doctor about this, but I need to buy more formula tomorrow and was contemplating switching the brand. But I'm afraid to do this Incase it makes her worse. She's on 5oz bottles every 3.5/4 hours. Which to me is too much for an infant of her age. And if she's taken that much shouldn't she poop more? And wouldn't the consistency be less watery? I'm a FTM and I'm just worried that something is wrong.
EDIT: I tried to decrease the amount and feed more frequently to try satisfy her but that didn't work and her poop was still the same.