TTC baby number 1

Hello! My name is Jenna! We have just started TTC. My husband and I were making love and he looked at me and said I think you're ovulating and I was like really? So I took a clearblue ovulation test and the results were very positive. I had a smiley face pop up on the digital test and it stayed for 48 hrs. (2 days) we tried. Now all I have to do is wait until AF doesn't show. I'm not expecting to get pregnant right off the bat! I know its hard to do so. I also missed my period in may bc of stress. Well at least I think I missed it. My last period was in April the 28th and ended on may 3rd. So idk if that counts as an April and may period or just an April period. Either way I found out that you can still ovulate when missing a period if you are not pregnant. I've prayed really hard for a baby. Fingers crossed and prayers spread as I take a home pregnancy test at the end of this month! Thank you to all for sharing and God bless each and everyone of you 💓