Sad my wife doesn't love me

Today my wife decided she wants to be divorced, that our son and I will move back to Michigan (I moved to Texas for her) where our daughter who will be born in december will also be. It's crushed me, literally physically made me hurt. I love this woman, 6 years of love and struggle. A 4 year old who loves his mommies. 
So here is what I suggested,  no divorce for now. I will go home, and will take myself and Ryker and focus on us and the arrival of his sibling. I will be friendly and allow her updates. I'm really trying to be civil and it's the first step in my process of being a better person for my kids.
She can visit we will share his birthday and holidays, I am hoping that in six months time, she will be straight on and realize she needs her family. And that divorce is a hard thing and a very permanent decision.
Am I wrong for being hopeful?? Or is it that I want her to see I can be a better person and do these things alone??
I could really use the advice!
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Posted at
Thanks everyone, I have suggested counseling but I feel like us being here is suffocating to her. I have to take my baby and go. Hopefully she will grow out of her stage of immaturity really know what she wants from all of this, as of now the only thing we're talking about is the kids. It hurts me to be going through it but worse for my son. I will keep everyone updated on the move if it happens and the behavior. I know I am a huge parrot this and it's scary knowing I'll be by myself ! I've been so nice and so civil but I think it's hard for her to be near me,so she's withdrawing.


Jess • Jun 12, 2016
Part of***


Posted at
Even if she has decided she wants a divorce for whatever reason, she doesn't get to decide every single thing. She can't tell you when and where you are going because she is unhappy. There needs to be some kind of discussion and/or mediation. Also, Ryker is one of my fave names ❤


Posted at
I would try marriage counseling before moving so far away! Your idea is a good one, but I feel like there are other less extreme options you need to exhaust before moving. Best of luck ❤️


Posted at
It all really depends on what she's unhappy about. It might not have much to do with you at all. Might have a lot to do with her pregnancy hormones and poor communication, I don't know. All I can say is be the best man and father you can be and hopefully she comes around. You might try seeing a couples therapist, just to see if she's willing to work through your issues for your kids sake. Therapy does help in these situations, I can speak from personal experience. I'm sorry this is happening to you and I hope and pray things work out for you and your kids. 


Brittney • Jun 12, 2016
Oh! Sorry! I had no idea. Any way be the best mom and wife you can be!


Dasha • Jun 12, 2016
ummm....they are both females and Jess (the one writing the post) is pregnant. ☺


Posted at
She's pregnant possibly hormonal. Suggest counselling for you and if she'd like, invite her too. Sometimes we fall out of love.


Posted at
I am so sorry that you're going through this. There is no real answer. ☹️ If she is willing to stick it out, then I wish you the best of luck. I wish there was something that could be said to ease your mind. I will pray for you and your family.