Baby name issues?

Sam • apparently dating a sprouse triplet
So the title might be misleading lol. I'm only 20 and far from having kids, if I ever do have any. However I was thinking about baby names and what I would name my kids if I did end up deciding I wanted them, and then I thought "What if my boyfriend (or by then husband, when we do have kids) doesn't like the name?" For example my parents have really unique names so probably as a result I'm really into names like Florian, Florence, Phoenix, Jupiter, Sage, Saga, Stratus... Basically really unique strange names. Lol. However my boyfriend is really sort of traditional and I know would probably be hesitant to name his kid any of these. I know we'd work something out but I was just wondering what y'all's opinions were. What would you do if your partner didn't like what you wanted to name your child?