Baby Got Colic song to calm baby- amaaaazing!!

Dee • First pregnancy was an ectopic. Second I miscarried at 12 weeks. 3rd I miscarried at 5 weeks. Hoping 4th works!!!
A friend of mine told me to buy a song called, Baby Got Colic. It was 9.99 so I of course said no way in Hell. But there was a sample on YouTube so I tried that. Oh. My. Goodness. I bought it right then and there. I swear to God my child went from fussing like crazy to falling asleep. Of course if she's wet, hungry or needs to burp it won't work but when she's fussing over nothing, it is amaaaaazingggg.  I love it especially for breastfeeding. This kid tends to shake her head and pull away a lot which sucks when I have to use a nipple shield and she continually pours milk all over me. This song calms her down so she just relaxed and drinks.
Go look it up on YouTube but know the video they have with it is Soooo creepy. See if it works for your kiddo. It's a life saver for ours!!!