Baby shower!

I had my baby shower yesterday and I must admit that I didn't enjoy it. Im sad because I know for sure it's my last one ever and just wish it could have gone different. A lot of people didn't show and I don't blame them with this hot weather. I am grateful for the gift  they got me but also bummed I didn't get one thing from my registry, I feel so stress knowing I have so much to buy. I wish I would have also had my husband help but instead I feel and know he didn't care much for this babyshower cause he was against it. I am beyond tired and in pain that all I did was cry on my way home because I couldn't take the back and feet pain.  I just feel so sad lately and feel lonely even tho I have my husband I just feel like he is not caring much lately. Maybe it's just me and my hormones but I just wish I felt happier during my last months. (Sorry just venting😪) I'll still share a picture, I did think everything looked so pretty.