in a prison advice needed

my husband is really controlling

basically a few weeks ago he was out of town at a work conference and wouldnt be home till midnight

i had a c section the week before and had a infection so said id stay with my mum for some help.. he said fine but when he arrived home he changed his mind and demanded i bring his son home

i said no its too late to bring a sleeping newborn out so he sent me absuive messages and told me i was a fucking idiot bitch and a disgrace and depriving him of his son..

i was so shocked i returned in the morning he smacked me and was calling me names saying i was a evil bitch and he would take his son to his mums away from me

it was awful

he calmed down and apologised

i put it down to stress and gave him another chance

since then ive not ventured out without him and the few times ive made plans to go out alone hes changed his plans so i couldnt go

today he was in a foul mood and not talking to me or the baby so i said look im going out so i left to go out hoping he would cool down

once again hes being abusive calling me a disgrace for taking his son

is this normal ? like surelyi should be able to go out without him for a bit

our boy is breastfed too so he has to be with me ...

i feel so trapped dont know what to do