Mucusy pink discharge

April • I`m 26 been married for almost 3 years, but together for 9. We have 3 beautiful boys and are ttc for #4, a girl.
I've had a pretty rough week. Was in L&D last Sunday for contractions and spotting, determined I was fine and sent home. Wednesday was my regular OB appointment dilated to a 2.5 gave me steriod shot to help mature lungs in case I went into full on labor. Made ultrasound appointment and another appointment for 2nd steriod shot, never made either appointment. Woke up Thursday morning around 330am with horrible contractions 3 to 4 minutes apart, tried everything to ease them, nothing worked then around 530am started bleeding, went into L&D was still dilated to 2.5, admitted me, stopped contractions or slowed them down rather. Spent the whole weekend there being monitored, bleeding finally stopped yesterday. Today I started having brownish, pinkish discharge, told doctors said it was fine, sent me home on procardia for contractions and iron. It was very light discharge, seems to have gotten worse. I'm feeling a bit crampy too. Do I call them back? Just go back in. I've literally only been home 3 hours and haven't done anything but lay here and go to the bathroom. I just don't want to spend anymore time in hospital than I have to away from my other 3 kids and husband. Its been pretty hard on everyone, as I spent 3 nights and 4 days there. But I am only 32 weeks and 1 day, and don't want to seem selfish to not go back, or at least call but I can't lay there any longer and have so much other stuff going on suppose to start online classes tomorrow for a new job at home. I feel so helpless and clueless and this is my 4th pregnancy but I've never had preterm labor before or any of these problems. All the other 3 were 40 weeks full term right on time. So I guess I'm asking for advice on if I should call or just go back? Should I worry or just let labor happen? They never checked me again so I don't know if any of the contractions caused any more dilation.. help please