I use to be hott!

In my early twenties I was a HUNK magnet! I constantly got complimented by men EVERYWHERE I went. If a man helped me at a store I would get discounts, free food, extra services, etc. 
Once I turned 30 that all came to a skreeching hault. I no longer get daily compliments, men stopped starring at me, and I no longer get free services. But one positive change I noticed was that even though men stop complimenting me, now little girls do. Now when I walk into a store it's the little girls who stare, tell me I look pretty, and compliment me. 
And you know what? I wouldn't trade it for the world. It's 10xs more satisfying getting complimented by a young girl than a horny man.  
Here's to 30!!! I may be aging, but f*ck shallow men! I can still be pretty and old 😊