I use to be hott!

In my early twenties I was a HUNK magnet! I constantly got complimented by men EVERYWHERE I went. If a man helped me at a store I would get discounts, free food, extra services, etc. 
Once I turned 30 that all came to a skreeching hault. I no longer get daily compliments, men stopped starring at me, and I no longer get free services. But one positive change I noticed was that even though men stop complimenting me, now little girls do. Now when I walk into a store it's the little girls who stare, tell me I look pretty, and compliment me. 
And you know what? I wouldn't trade it for the world. It's 10xs more satisfying getting complimented by a young girl than a horny man.  
Here's to 30!!! I may be aging, but f*ck shallow men! I can still be pretty and old 😊
1.2k views β€’ 28 upvotes β€’ 12 comments



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Such a superficial thing to be proud of lol πŸ˜‚ yay I get discounts because men find me attractive! Lol. 


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You love yourself so much but yet you post anonymously lol 


πŸ‘ΈπŸΌ β€’ Jun 14, 2016
Or this is a made up post. If someone I knew was that cocky, I'd punch them in the face lol


Kirsten β€’ Jun 13, 2016
and u wonder why she posts anonymous b/c people like you have to be rude...if she doesn't wanna put her name out there then so what?? don't comment then.


Su β€’ Jun 12, 2016
Lol shoot, there are haters all over this app. One time I posted something about my ovulation and actually got rude comments.


Posted at
I use to be hot too. I got hit on every where I went. Now not so much... actually not at all. Sometimes I get down. My sisters are all still hot and I'm just the older sister now. But I get compliments from older people and kids too. Sometimes I can embrace that. Others days I cant. Good for you for embracing and loving it! ❀❀❀


tiffani β€’ Jun 12, 2016
thank you love. I am not as fit as I use to be and that's rough


Tara β€’ Jun 12, 2016
Your still hot chick!


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Girl Iwaa was justin thinking about this...Im so not hot anymore my son is the blessing of a life time but post baby body has changed everything. My clothes done fit ago i look like a homeless person most days. My body it's tight our toned anymore my eyes look tired and uninviting. I used too shock men when I walked into a run. I couldn't drive down the street with out getting a look or too. It was nice a real confidence booster. Now its totally fine with me my hunny loves my mom bod. But I wish i felt sexy again.


Posted at
Hey aging is hard and as much as I thought I'd accept it, I'm finding that I'm really irritated with things. I love that my daughter wants to look like me, but she is literally gorgeous and doesn't know it. I should really get my act together because I don't want my body image issues creating problems for her. β€οΈ