TTC baby #1

I never cramp 17 days before my period and I ovulated on the 10th or the 11th. I took a clearblue ovulation test on Thursday the 9th at 4a.m. and the line was so dark. Then at like 4 p.m. I took a clearblue digital and it gave me a smiley face a straight smiley face that stayed there for 48hrs. It dected my lh surge which means I wouldn't ovulate until the next day. We baby danced that day and the next day. Sperm live in you for a few days if they make it to the fallopian tube until they smell the egg. I'm praying hard that I'm pregnant. I'm only a couple or few dpo!! I'm experiencing cramping and tender nipples. I'm not gonna test until I miss my period if I do miss it. I'm feeling very doubtful that I'm pregnant because I know its hard to get pregnant and there is no way that I could conceive on my very first time trying. There are a lot of women who have prayed hard for a baby and haven't gotten one for 3 yrs. If I have to wait 3 yrs or even 15 I will still praise the lord!!! I love my God he is mighty and he is amazing no matter what!