Need your opinions! Thanks!

Erin • We trust God will bless us with our miracle soon, in the mean time we keep trying and giving thanks.
Hi ladies-  I haven't been on here in a while because we've been TTC for 3 years, failed <a href="">IVF</a> long story short we're going the adoption route and excited.  I had a weird cycle- I'm now almost 3 1/2 weeks away from my last period, and I felt really "weird" this weekend, naseous, headache... Feel good now but having killer cramps, much worse than usual ovulation.   But from what I know I figured I was ovulating late this month. 
Took and ovulation strip- looks kinda positive so it may be that.... Then I took the middle hcg... Saw something faint after 3 mins... Figured it was an evap so I took the bottom one and stuck it in water. 
What do you think? I haven't used these strips since Nov of last year, so maybe my eyes are playing tricks on me.  I also tested this late afternoon and not in the morning.