Both partners with metal health issues

Do you think two people with PTSD, anxiety, and depression can make it as a couple?

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My husband and I both have anxiety and we have been together for over six years. I also suffer from depression sometimes as well. I think as long as we are keeping our health on track we do great.


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I suffer from depression & my husband suffers from anxiety. We're both in pretty good places right now (& he's been out of treatment/off meds for a long time, unlike me), but occasionally we both have off days, which can be challenging. Last time it happened, my husband said, "We're not allowed to both be upset at the same time! It's my turn today, you can have tomorrow"-- which made us both start laughing hysterically. It's really great being with someone who gets how it feels & doesn't judge, & we do a good job of bringing each other up even on bad days :) [Together since 10.13.05, married since 7.26.09 <3]


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They understand each other and can help the other person through it if they're struggling.


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My boyfriend and I both struggle with depression, and he has anxiety as well. We work out just fine. There are hard times for sure, but we both understand better what the other is going through. :)


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I don't know. I think you need some one to keep you level. My brother is bipolar with manic depression. He was with a girl just like him and it was such a toxic and hectic relationship. The girl he is with now is his total opposite. They are even having a baby together.