I'm so confused

QueenBrat • 1 angel baby (due: 71016). Amari Nicole 03.03.17 Ezra Devon 09.04.18

I am currently 9dpo light cramping every now and then peeing almost immediately after I drink anything I have super smell most of the time nasuea on and off i have random dizzy spells I'm exhausted most of my day my boobs are huge I have gas no matter what I eat.. my cm is dry as a bone (tmi maybe when I check it's hard to get to and it's clearish white and scant) and my cervix is low and kinda hard (I'm new to the cervix thing so I could be wrong lol)

My bf thinks I'm pregnant I'm thinking it's highly probable but I'm not sure just based on the lack of discharged cm. I really want this to be my rainbow baby. Any thoughts?